There are currently three different alcohol classes available to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students.
BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students)
BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) is a two-session alcohol assessment and education program for UW-Eau Claire students. BASICS helps students examine their own drinking patterns, by identifying individualized goals to reduce the harmful outcomes of drinking. Some students maybe assigned BASICS while others self-refer.
All sessions are one-on-one between the student and a trained BASICS facilitator. Students who are required to complete BASICS due to a University violation will receive a deadline for completing both sessions.
Register for BASICS
To register for BASICS, please contact Christy Prust at, or 715-836-5110.
CHOICES is a 2-hour class led by peer educators. CHOICES is a harm reduction approach to drinking, that aims to educate college students about the effects of alcohol on their behavior, to promote self-evaluation of drinking patterns, and help students make informed decisions that reduce their alcohol-related risk and harm.
CHOICES is assigned as an educational sanction for alcohol violations for students. Participants should expect to participate, and be on time to get completion credit. Promoting Healthy Decisions (PHD) is a hour interactive peer-facilitated course designed to provide UW-Eau Claire students with information about making healthy decisions in college. This course was designed for students who were found in violation of the judicial code in the residence halls.
Register for CHOICES
CHOICES is held once a week. To register, please visit:
PHD (Promoting Healthy Decisions)
PHD (Promoting Healthy Decisions) is an interactive peer-facilitated course designed to provide UW-Eau Claire students with information about making healthy decisions in college.
This course was designed for students who were found in violation of the judicial code in the residence halls, specifically the code about alcohol possession.
Register for PHD
PHD is held once a week. To register, please visit: