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Connecting Blugolds with support and resources


Fostering Success is a program that provides resources and support for students who have formerly been in foster care, are experiencing homelessness, or may lack family support. The Fostering Success offices and campus store are located in Schofield Hall 219.

Fostering Success offers access to the following:

  • Campus Store; which include but not limited to free school supplies, household supplies, toiletries and more!
  • Financial Resources
  • A laptop to use for the academic year
  • Scholarships
  • Funding for University sponsored travel
  • Monthly Meaningful Meals
  • Monthly Professional and Personal Development opportunities.
  • A network of professionals ready to support you in your 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 journey
  • Peer Mentorship

If you would like to participate in the Fostering Success program to access some or all of the resources noted above, please contact us -

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Meet Our Staff

Franchesca Riley
DEI Student Services Coordinator
Fostering Success Student Services Coordinator
Schofield Hall 219
131 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Provide support and resources to students enrolled in the Fostering Success program. The position also oversees the Peer Diversity Educator program and administer student programming through the Center for EDI Training, Development and Education

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